5 Reasons To Stop Bitching And Put On A Goddamn Mask Already


They’re itchy. They’re hot. They’re annoying. They’re uncomfortable.

I get it. I really do.

After doing a gym session in one of those blue disposable surgical masks, I’ve felt the extent of the discomfort. (So. Much. Chin Sweat.) But I’m going to take a wild leap here and guess that having a ventilator stuck down your throat while you lie in hospital is a tad more unpleasant.

I’m not a health professional and I don’t claim to be, but to me, wearing a mask just makes sense health-wise in the middle of a killer pandemic.

It’s time to pull our fingers out, guys…


5 GREAT Reasons to Wear A Face Mask during a pandemic

  1. Perhaps most importantly, you could save somebody’s life. Maybe even several somebodies. Here’s why: covid-19 is spread via respiratory droplets when we cough and sneeze (and possibly even talk). It makes sense that putting a barrier between said droplets (around 3000 per cough, according to one study) – even a basic cloth covering – will help prevent the virus landing on (and infecting) others.

  2. If altruism doesn’t float your boat, well that’s kind of a shitty way to be in the world (don’t be that person!), but maybe this reason will appeal to you: a mask may also help protect you. Yes, the main effect is seen in keeping others safe and stopping the spread, but covering your own nose and mouth can still help block transmission.

  3. “But I’m not sick!” I hear you cry. Cool story, bro, but you can actually have coronavirus without knowing it — this is what people are talking about when they say people are asymptotic. But just because you’re not suffering doesn’t mean that the person you splutter on as you walk past in the supermarket won’t cop the virus in full force…

  4. It’s just one teeny, tiny way to show your appreciation for the frontline health workers who have to wear full-body personal protective equipment for hours on end. “We're dehydrated because we can't drink all the time. It’s a lot harder to just go pee if we want to,” said Royal Melbourne emergency department nurse Mel Pearson. “We have pressure injuries on our forehead and bruising on our chins and our noses. Seeing people in the community complain about their masks that they have to wear for half an hour to go to the shops is a little bit disheartening when our masks actually cause us physical injuries, just to keep us and our patients safe.”

  5. You avoid looking like a total dick for putting your personal comfort over the health and wellbeing of an entire community. Soz, but it’s true.


Of course, there are a few genuine reasons for certain people to avoid wearing masks — medical conditions, when communicating with people who are deaf or hard of hearing, during strenuous exercise or for work-related occupational health and safety guidelines all make the list of appropriate reasons here in Australia.

But just finding them itchy or uncomfortable doesn’t really cut it.

So, Wondering Where To Get A Face Mask?

The market has obviously exploded since the pandemic, and a quick Google search will help you find your nearest stockist.

  1. For reusable fabric masks, check out Etsy, Bonds, Cotton On, ASOS, Dangerfield, Gorman, The Social Outfit (bonus points for shopping at this ethical fashion brand, which employs and trains people from refugee and new migrant communities), Boohoo… I mean, the list goes on and on. Just remember, most of these personal masks aren’t medical grade (though still totally useful in stopping droplets). Remember to handle masks by the ear loops, wash them after every wear – no doubling up! – and don’t touch it when it’s on your face.

  2. For single-use surgical-style masks, head to any chemist, and remember the same rules: one use per wear, handle it by the ear loops, and keep your hands off when it’s on!

Stay safe, stay healthy and help other people do the same. ❤️