TElling your story

etienne girardet/unsplash

Got a story worth telling?

Maybe you've been thinking about jotting down your memoirs for years. Perhaps you want to put your family history down in black and white to preserve it for the next gen. Or maybs you just have a bloody crazy real-life story that deserves to be shared with the world…

Whatever your reason, getting your story out of your head and onto the page (or computer screen...) is often easier said than done – but in this workshop, we untangle some of the trickier parts of the process and explore some tips, tricks and techniques to help you put your life down on paper.

In this 1.5-hour session, we'll cover all sorts of things, including:

  • Finding your voice and your ‘why’.

  • Taking the first steps: structure, style and tone.

  • Insider secrets to cheat the writing process (sssh!).

  • Tips and tricks for making your writing more interesting, entertaining and enjoyable to read (’cos you want people to want to read it, right?!)

This workshop currently has one date open for March 2022, with more to come in April. (Psst – if there’s a date and time you’d like that’s not available, hmu and we can look at scheduling something in!)

Sat, March 26 @ 3pm

Ready to share YOUR story? Click the Book Now button and let’s get started!